In other news……..

Last week I wrote the last of my newspaper columns. It was sort of Apropos that the editor chose to stick the obituaries in the middle of my column. I’m not dead but my public writing days are over. I have now had two weeks where I did not have to face a deadline for coming up with something print worthy to submit to the papers and I have to confess it has been pleasant to wake up on Monday and not have to worry about it. Here is what the column looked like on the page. I clipped the continuation paragraphs off of page 5 and laid the piece over the obituaries. Don’t want to break any privacy laws and all that.

About geetwo

I am a 69 year old (in 2009) retired I.T. consultant. My wife, Susie and I travel in an RV 6 to 8 months a year. I write a humor / travel column for several print publications on a weekly basis.
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