I honestly don’t understand it.

Tonight I watched Josh Groban on PBS and marveled at hs voice and his stage presence. Why is he not more popular with young people? I looked at something called the 100 top artists(?) and found no menton of him. He is a real singer. Someone ought to do a study to figure out why the under 25 crowd will listen to anything that makes a lot of noise, the more unpleasant the better. It can’t just be the generation gap or teen rebellion. Maybe their Music appreciation senses are not yet developed. How else can you explain Lady Gaga?

About geetwo

I am a 69 year old (in 2009) retired I.T. consultant. My wife, Susie and I travel in an RV 6 to 8 months a year. I write a humor / travel column for several print publications on a weekly basis.
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