Easter Monday Menu.

Breakfast — Hardboiled, blue in color,  Easter Egg
Lunch — Hardboiled, tie dyed Easter Egg.

Only two dozen to go.

Dinner — Ham and Beans. I have two ham bones left over from yesterdays festivities. Both are covered in scraps of smoky Ham with just a hint of a brown sugar glaze. They are just begging to be cooked with a mixture of  Pinto and Great Northern Beans. I have an old, family recipe but any new recipes offered witll at least be looked at.
I am also considering serving mashed potatoes, collard greens and cornbread. Any of y’all interested?

About geetwo

I am a 69 year old (in 2009) retired I.T. consultant. My wife, Susie and I travel in an RV 6 to 8 months a year. I write a humor / travel column for several print publications on a weekly basis.
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