Saturday morning at Grandma’s.

Riley Marie spent weekdays during the summer at our house and after she went back to school, we missed having her here during our breakfast hour. On Friday after school, she came to the barn and then spent the night with us. The following morning Susie and Riley Marie prepared a nice breakfast with pancakes smothered in fresh blueberries and strawberries. Naturally, with me watching my waistline and my blood sugar, I didn’t eat any of that stuff. I stuck with my oatmeal. None of that colorful berrry stuff for me. I eat it gray.

Presentation is everything

Presentation is everything

Maybe this is the way Paula Deem got her start. She still uses a stool to work at the chopping block but it seems like it was just yesterday that even with the stool, she could barely see over the top.

It will not be very long before she can stand on her own.

About geetwo

I am a 69 year old (in 2009) retired I.T. consultant. My wife, Susie and I travel in an RV 6 to 8 months a year. I write a humor / travel column for several print publications on a weekly basis.
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